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时间: 2024-09-29 00:58:10


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "subside" along with their Chinese translations:

1. After the storm, the floodwaters gradually subsided, revealing the extent of the damage. (暴风雨过后,洪水逐渐退去,露出了受损的程度。)

2. Her anger began to subside once she understood his explanation. (她理解了他的解释后,她的愤怒开始平息。)

3. It took several hours for the pain to subside after the surgery. (手术后的疼痛花了几个小时才消退。)

4. The protests finally subsided after the government addressed the citizens' concerns. (政府解决了市民的担忧后,抗议活动终于平息了。)

5. His enthusiasm for the project didn't subside even after facing numerous setbacks. (尽管遇到了许多挫折,他对这个项目的热情仍然没有减退。)

6. The fever started to subside once the medicine began to take effect. (药物开始起作用后,发烧逐渐减退。)

7. As the panic among the crowd began to subside, order was slowly restored. (随着人群中的恐慌逐渐平息,秩序慢慢恢复了。)

8. The waves subsided, and the sea became calm once more. (波涛平息,大海再次恢复了平静。)

9. The economic downturn is expected to subside once consumer confidence improves. (一旦消费者信心提升,经济低迷预计会减退。)

10. Her giggles took a while to subside even after the funny story had ended. (有趣的故事结束后,她的咯咯笑声还需要一段时间才能停下来。)

11. The swelling in his ankle began to subside after applying ice and elevation. (涂抹冰敷和抬高脚踝后,他的脚踝肿胀开始减退。)

12. The noise from the construction site finally subsided late at night. (深夜时分,建筑工地的噪音终于停息了。)

13. After weeks of tension, the situation between the two countries appears to be subsiding. (经过数周的紧张局势,两国之间的局势似乎正在平息。)

14. His disappointment began to subside as he realized there were other opportunities ahead. (他意识到前方还有其他机会,失望情绪开始消退。)

15. Once the initial shock subsided, she was able to think more clearly about the situation. (一旦最初的震惊过去,她就能更清晰地思考这种情况。)


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