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时间: 2024-09-14 02:22:09


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "transparent" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The company aims to be transparent in its financial dealings. 公司旨在其财务交易中做到透明。

2. The new glass is so transparent that it's almost invisible. 这种新玻璃非常透明,几乎看不见。

3. We appreciate leaders who are transparent about their decision-making processes. 我们赞赏那些在决策过程中能够公开透明的领导人。

4. The government promised to maintain a transparent approach to governance. 政府承诺保持治理过程的透明度。

5. She spoke with a transparent honesty that was refreshing. 她讲话非常坦率,让人觉得很耳目一新。

6. The artist used transparent watercolors to create a delicate effect. 艺术家使用透明水彩来营造细腻的效果。

7. The report provides a transparent view of the current market trends. 这份报告提供了当前市场趋势的透明视角。

8. We need more transparent communication between departments. 我们需要部门之间更加透明的沟通。

9. The NGO strives to ensure transparent distribution of aid to those in need. 这个非政府组织努力确保援助物资公开透明地分发给有需要的人。

10. The artist's brushstrokes were so transparent that each layer of color was distinct. 艺术家的笔触非常透明,每一层颜色都清晰可见。

11. The candidate's campaign promises lacked transparency, raising concerns among voters. 候选人的竞选承诺缺乏透明度,引发了选民的担忧。

12. The government passed legislation aimed at promoting transparent business practices. 政府通过了旨在促进透明商业行为的立法。

13. The crystal-clear lake was so transparent that you could see the fish swimming beneath the surface. 那个水晶般清澈的湖泊如此透明,以至于你可以看到水面下游动的鱼。

14. Their relationship was built on mutual trust and transparent communication. 他们的关系建立在相互信任和坦诚沟通的基础上。

15. It's important for the media to be transparent in their reporting to maintain credibility. 媒体在报道中保持透明是维护其公信力的重要因素。


上一个 【英语】transgress的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】transect的例句



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