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时间: 2024-09-18 12:28:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "transfigure" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Her smile transfigured her face, turning it from solemn to radiant. (她的微笑改变了她的面容,让她从严肃变得灿烂。)

2. The artist's interpretation transfigured the ordinary scene into a masterpiece. (艺术家的诠释把普通的场景变成了杰作。)

3. Love has the power to transfigure even the most hardened hearts. (爱有力量,能够改变甚至最顽固的心。)

4. The sunrise transfigured the sky with hues of pink and gold. (日出用粉红和金色的色调改变了天空。)

5. The actor's intense performance transfigured him into the character he portrayed. (演员激动人心的表演使他化身为他扮演的角色。)

6. Meditation can transfigure a person's state of mind, bringing peace and clarity. (冥想可以改变一个人的思维状态,带来平静和清晰。)

7. The transformation of the old factory into a modern office building transfigured the neighborhood. (旧工厂变成现代办公楼改变了周边社区。)

8. His decision to pursue a different career path transfigured his life in unexpected ways. (他决定追求不同的职业道路,以意想不到的方式改变了他的生活。)

9. The music seemed to transfigure the atmosphere, lifting everyone's spirits. (音乐似乎改变了氛围,提升了每个人的精神。)

10. The artist's use of light and shadow transfigured the canvas into a scene of dramatic intensity. (艺术家运用光影把画布改变成了戏剧性强烈的场景。)

11. The new policies transfigured the company's approach to sustainability. (新政策改变了公司对可持续性的态度。)

12. The arrival of spring transfigures the landscape, bringing new colors and life. (春天的到来改变了景观,带来了新的色彩和生机。)

13. The spiritual experience seemed to transfigure her perception of reality. (那种精神体验似乎改变了她对现实的看法。)

14. The groundbreaking technology has the potential to transfigure how we communicate. (这一创新技术有可能改变我们的交流方式。)

15. Their love story transfigured from a simple friendship into a lifelong commitment. (他们的爱情故事从一段简单的友谊转变成了终身的承诺。)


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