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时间: 2024-09-20 01:05:57


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "uncommitted" along with Chinese explanations:

1. She remained uncommitted to any political party, preferring to vote based on issues rather than affiliation. (她对任何政党都持中立态度,更愿意根据问题投票。)

2. The company's future strategy is still uncommitted pending further market research. (公司的未来战略尚未确定,需要进一步市场调研。)

3. His uncommitted demeanor suggested a lack of interest in the project. (他漠不关心的态度显示出对项目缺乏兴趣。)

4. The board remained uncommitted on the proposal, needing more details before making a decision. (董事会对提案保持中立,需要更多细节才能作出决定。)

5. Her uncommitted response left him unsure of her intentions. (她含糊不清的回答让他不确定她的意图。)

6. The voters were largely uncommitted until the final weeks of the campaign. (选民在竞选的最后几周大多数还未做出选择。)

7. He has an uncommitted attitude towards relationships, preferring casual friendships. (他对关系持无所谓的态度,更喜欢随意的友谊。)

8. The committee's uncommitted stance allowed for more thorough discussion of the issue. (委员会的中立立场促使对问题进行更深入的讨论。)

9. The artist's uncommitted brush strokes gave the painting an unfinished look. (艺术家随意的笔触使得画面显得未完成。)

10. Investors were uncommitted to the stock due to uncertainties in the market. (由于市场不确定性,投资者对该股票持观望态度。)

11. The negotiations remained uncommitted as both parties refused to compromise. (由于双方都不愿妥协,谈判保持中立状态。)

12. Her uncommitted approach to the project frustrated her team members. (她对项目的漫不经心的态度让她的团队成员感到沮丧。)

13. He's uncommitted to a particular career path, exploring different options. (他对特定的职业道路并不执着,正在探索不同的选择。)

14. The judge's uncommitted ruling allowed for further evidence to be presented. (法官的不明确判决允许进一步提交证据。)

15. Their uncommitted effort resulted in a mediocre performance at the competition. (他们的不积极努力导致在比赛中表现平庸。)


上一个 【英语】unassuming的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】unscrupulous的例句



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