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时间: 2024-09-17 13:13:18


Certainly! "Untoward" is an adjective that means unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His untoward behavior at the party embarrassed everyone. (他在派对上的不得体行为让所有人感到尴尬。)

2. The untoward weather conditions delayed the flight. (恶劣的天气条件延误了航班。)

3. She faced untoward challenges during her first year in college. (她在大学第一年面对了意料之外的挑战。)

4. The company had to deal with untoward consequences of the economic downturn. (公司不得不应对经济衰退带来的不良后果。)

5. Despite untoward circumstances, they managed to finish the project on time. (尽管有意外情况,他们还是成功地按时完成了项目。)

6. His untoward remarks offended many people in the audience. (他的不当言论触怒了观众中的许多人。)

7. The athlete's untoward injury prevented him from participating in the championship. (运动员意外受伤使他无法参加锦标赛。)

8. The untoward noise from the construction site disrupted the neighborhood. (建筑工地传来的噪音扰乱了周围的居民。)

9. The manager intervened to prevent any untoward incidents during the event. (经理干预以防止活动中发生任何不良事件。)

10. They were lucky to avoid any untoward accidents during their journey. (他们在旅途中幸运地避免了任何不测事故。)

11. The politician's untoward actions led to public outrage. (政客的不当行为引发了公众的愤怒。)

12. The professor handled the untoward disruption in the classroom calmly. (教授冷静地应对了课堂上的突发事件。)

13. The company apologized for any untoward inconvenience caused to its customers. (公司对给客户带来的任何不便表示道歉。)

14. She tried to remain calm despite the untoward news of her colleague's resignation. (尽管听到同事辞职的不幸消息,她努力保持镇定。)

15. We must be prepared for any untoward developments in the negotiations. (我们必须为谈判中可能出现的任何不良情况做好准备。)


上一个 【英语】unscrupulous的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】unconditional的例句



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