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时间: 2024-10-07 00:48:05



1. The unofficial meeting was held to discuss sensitive issues.(未经认可的会议是为了讨论敏感问题。)

2. He received unofficial news about the company's plans for expansion.(他得到了关于公司扩展计划的非官方消息。)

3. The team held an unofficial practice session after hours.(团队在下班后举行了非正式的练习。)

4. The unofficial spokesperson for the group addressed the media.(该组织的非官方发言人向媒体发表了讲话。)

5. There were unofficial reports of a new virus outbreak in the region.(有关于该地区新病毒爆发的非官方报道。)

6. She served as an unofficial advisor to the mayor.(她充当了市长的非官方顾问。)

7. They had an unofficial agreement to share the profits equally.(他们有一个非正式的协议,平均分享利润。)

8. The letter was an unofficial notice of his promotion.(这封信是他晋升的非官方通知。)

9. Students organized an unofficial protest against tuition hikes.(学生们组织了一场反对学费上涨的非正式抗议。)

10. The town had an unofficial tradition of celebrating the harvest festival.(这个城镇有一个非官方的传统,庆祝丰收节。)

11. He took on the role of unofficial historian for the community.(他担任社区的非官方历史学家角色。)

12. The museum displayed some unofficial artwork by local amateurs.(博物馆展示了一些当地业余爱好者的非正式艺术作品。)

13. An unofficial version of the report leaked to the press.(报告的非官方版本泄露给了媒体。)

14. They formed an unofficial alliance to counter the dominant political party.(他们组成了一个非官方联盟来对抗主导的政党。)

15. The website provided unofficial translations of the documents.(该网站提供了文件的非官方翻译。)


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