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时间: 2024-09-19 17:29:02


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "cataclysm" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The earthquake unleashed a cataclysm that reshaped the entire landscape. (地震引发了一场灾难,重塑了整个景观。)

2. The economic cataclysm caused by the pandemic led to widespread unemployment. (疫情导致的经济灾难造成了广泛的失业。)

3. The novel depicts a cataclysmic event where humanity faces extinction. (这部小说描绘了一场人类面临灭绝的灾难性事件。)

4. The volcanic eruption was a cataclysm that destroyed the nearby villages. (火山爆发是一场毁灭附近村庄的灾难。)

5. War often brings about cataclysmic changes to society. (战争往往给社会带来灾难性的变革。)

6. The financial markets experienced a cataclysm after the stock market crash. (股市崩盘后,金融市场经历了一场灾难。)

7. Scientists warn of a cataclysm if climate change continues unchecked. (科学家警告称,如果气候变化继续不受控制,将会发生一场灾难。)

8. The asteroid impact caused a cataclysm that wiped out the dinosaurs. (小行星撞击引发了一场灾难,导致恐龙灭绝。)

9. The collapse of the dam led to a cataclysmic flood downstream. (大坝坍塌导致下游发生了灾难性洪水。)

10. The cataclysm of war left scars on the nation's psyche. (战争的灾难给国家的心灵留下了伤痕。)

11. The pandemic was a cataclysm that overwhelmed healthcare systems worldwide. (疫情是一场灾难,使全球医疗系统不堪重负。)

12. The sudden collapse of the bridge caused a cataclysmic disruption to traffic. (桥梁的突然倒塌对交通造成了灾难性的破坏。)

13. The cataclysmic storm flooded the coastal towns. (灾难性的风暴淹没了沿海城镇。)

14. The nuclear disaster was a cataclysm that affected generations to come. (核灾难是一场影响未来几代人的灾难。)

15. The cataclysm of revolution swept across the nation, changing its political landscape forever. (革命的灾难席卷全国,永久改变了其政治格局。)


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