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时间: 2024-09-20 05:44:31


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "acidify" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Acid rain can acidify lakes and harm aquatic life. (酸雨可以使湖泊变酸,危害水生生物。)

2. Adding lemon juice will acidify the sauce, giving it a tangy flavor. (加入柠檬汁会使酱汁变酸,赋予它一种清爽的味道。)

3. Over time, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can acidify the ocean waters. (随着时间的推移,大气中的二氧化碳可以使海洋水域变酸。)

4. The industrial process inadvertently acidified the surrounding soil. (工业过程无意中使周围的土壤变酸。)

5. Certain foods, like pickles, undergo fermentation that can acidify them. (某些食物,如泡菜,经过发酵后会变酸。)

6. Environmental pollutants can acidify groundwater reserves. (环境污染物可以使地下水储量变酸。)

7. Excess nitrogen from fertilizers can acidify the soil. (来自肥料的过量氮可以使土壤变酸。)

8. The introduction of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere can acidify rainfall. (二氧化硫的排放会使降雨变酸。)

9. Acidify the solution slowly to avoid a sudden chemical reaction. (缓慢加酸溶液,以避免突然的化学反应。)

10. Climate change is expected to further acidify the oceans. (预计气候变化将进一步使海洋变酸。)

11. Researchers are studying how deforestation can acidify freshwater ecosystems. (研究人员正在研究森林砍伐如何使淡水生态系统变酸。)

12. The vineyard's soil was gradually acidified by years of acidic rainfall. (多年来的酸性降雨逐渐使葡萄园的土壤变酸。)

13. Poor waste management practices can acidify local water supplies. (不良的废物管理做法可以使当地的水资源变酸。)

14. Acidifying agents are used in the preservation of certain foods. (酸化剂在某些食品的保存中得到应用。)

15. Marine biologists are concerned about how ocean acidification will acidify coral reefs. (海洋生物学家担心海洋酸化将使珊瑚礁变酸。)


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