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时间: 2024-09-20 12:04:16



1. "Please submit your essay in APA format." (请按照APA格式提交你的论文。)

2. "The magazine changed its format from print to digital." (这本杂志从印刷版转变为数字版。)

3. "The screenplay followed a traditional three-act format." (这个剧本采用了传统的三幕结构。)

4. "His resume was well-organized and in a professional format." (他的简历组织得井井有条,符合专业标准。)

5. "The data needs to be converted into CSV format." (这些数据需要转换成CSV格式。)

6. "The concert was filmed in high-definition format." (这场音乐会以高清格式录制。)

7. "The seminar will cover the basics of MLA format." (这个研讨会将介绍MLA格式的基础知识。)

8. "The new album will be released in vinyl format." (新专辑将以黑胶唱片的格式发行。)

9. "The software allows you to customize the document format." (这款软件可以让你定制文档的格式。)

10. "We need to standardize the file format across all departments." (我们需要在所有部门统一文件格式。)

11. "The formatting of the report was consistent throughout." (这份报告的格式在整个过程中保持一致。)

12. "Her novel deviates from the traditional narrative format." (她的小说偏离了传统的叙述形式。)

13. "The meeting will follow a Q&A format." (这次会议将采用问答形式。)

14. "He prefers to write in screenplay format rather than prose." (他更喜欢以剧本形式而不是散文写作。)

15. "Could you send me the document in PDF format?" (你能以PDF格式发送给我这份文档吗?)


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