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时间: 2024-09-13 23:00:46


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "reagent," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The scientist added the reagent to the solution to initiate the chemical reaction. (科学家向溶液中加入试剂以启动化学反应。)

2. Always use the appropriate reagent as specified in the protocol. (请始终按照实验方案中指定的试剂使用合适的试剂。)

3. This reagent is known for its ability to detect trace amounts of metal ions. (这种试剂以其检测微量金属离子的能力而闻名。)

4. The lab technician accidentally spilled the reagent, causing a minor chemical reaction. (实验室技术员不小心泼洒了试剂,导致了一场轻微的化学反应。)

5. Please handle these reagents with care, as they can be hazardous if mishandled. (请小心处理这些试剂,如果处理不当可能会有危险。)

6. The reagent needs to be stored at a specific temperature to maintain its effectiveness. (试剂需要存放在特定的温度下以保持其有效性。)

7. Researchers are developing a new reagent for more accurate blood tests. (研究人员正在开发一种新的试剂,用于更精确的血液测试。)

8. Before conducting the experiment, ensure all necessary reagents are prepared. (在进行实验之前,请确保所有必要的试剂都已准备好。)

9. The reagent reacted differently than expected, leading to unexpected results. (试剂的反应与预期不同,导致了意想不到的结果。)

10. High-quality reagents are crucial for reliable scientific research. (高质量的试剂对于可靠的科学研究至关重要。)

11. The reagent manufacturer provides detailed instructions for safe handling. (试剂制造商提供了安全处理的详细说明。)

12. After adding the reagent, observe any changes in color or consistency. (加入试剂后,请观察颜色或一致性是否发生变化。)

13. The reagent kit includes all necessary components for the experiment. (试剂盒包含实验所需的所有组件。)

14. It is important to check the expiration date of reagents before use. (使用前请检查试剂的过期日期很重要。)

15. The chemist carefully measured the reagent before adding it to the mixture. (化学家在加入混合物之前仔细测量了试剂。)


上一个 【英语】counteragent的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】agronomy的例句



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