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时间: 2024-09-29 00:46:28


Certainly! "Perambulate" means to walk or travel through or around a place, especially for pleasure or inspection. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese translations:

1. I enjoy perambulating through the park on Sunday afternoons.

- 我喜欢在周日下午漫步公园。

2. The inspectors perambulated the factory to check for safety hazards.

- 检查员们巡视工厂,查找安全隐患。

3. The old man liked to perambulate along the riverbank, reminiscing about his youth.

- 老人喜欢沿着河岸漫步,回忆他的青春岁月。

4. They decided to perambulate the neighborhood to see the holiday decorations.

- 他们决定四处走走,看看假日的装饰。

5. The mayor perambulated the newly constructed bridge to inspect its quality.

- 市长巡视新建的桥梁,检查其质量。

6. Tourists perambulated the historic district, taking photos of the ancient buildings.

- 游客们在历史街区漫步,拍摄古老建筑的照片。

7. The professor perambulated around the classroom while delivering his lecture.

- 教授边讲课边在教室里走来走去。

8. She perambulated the garden, admiring the flowers in bloom.

- 她在花园里漫步,欣赏盛开的花朵。

9. The couple perambulated hand in hand along the beach at sunset.

- 夕阳下,那对夫妇手牵手在海滩上漫步。

10. Each morning, the monk would perambulate around the monastery grounds.

- 每天早晨,僧侣会在寺院周围漫步。

11. The team perambulated the area to map out potential sites for the new playground.

- 队员们在该地区漫步,为新游乐场勘察可能的地点。

12. As part of her recovery, she was advised to perambulate for at least thirty minutes a day.

- 作为康复的一部分,建议她每天至少漫步三十分钟。

13. Residents often perambulate the neighborhood in the evenings, chatting with neighbors.

- 居民们经常在晚上漫步社区,和邻居聊天。

14. The park ranger perambulated the trail to ensure it was safe for hikers.

- 公园管理员巡视小径,确保对徒步者安全。

15. We decided to perambulate the entire length of the riverbank during our camping trip.

- 我们决定在野营旅行期间沿着整条河岸漫步。


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