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时间: 2024-09-20 14:33:46


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "astral":

1. She claimed to have experienced astral projection during meditation.

- 她声称在冥想时经历了灵体投射。

2. According to some beliefs, the astral plane is where souls travel after death.

- 某些信仰认为,灵体层是灵魂在死后旅行的地方。

3. The novel described a journey through the astral realms inhabited by celestial beings.

- 这本小说描述了一次穿越由天上生物居住的灵体界的旅程。

4. Many cultures have myths and legends about astral travel and its mystical powers.

- 许多文化中都有关于灵体旅行及其神秘力量的神话和传说。

5. He claimed to have seen his body from an astral perspective during an out-of-body experience.

- 他声称在一次出体经历中从灵体角度看到了自己的身体。

6. The guru guided his disciples in techniques to explore the astral realm.

- 古鲁指导他的门徒探索灵体界的技巧。

7. People who practice astral projection believe they can consciously leave their physical bodies.

- 练习灵体投射的人相信他们可以有意识地离开他们的肉体。

8. Some spiritual traditions view the astral plane as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.

- 一些精神传统将灵体层视为物质世界和精神世界之间的桥梁。

9. The astral body is said to be capable of traveling beyond the constraints of time and space.

- 据说灵体能够超越时间和空间的限制进行旅行。

10. She had a vivid dream that felt more like an astral journey than mere imagination.

- 她做了一个生动的梦,感觉更像是一次灵体旅行而不是简单的想象。

11. Astral projection is often associated with altered states of consciousness.

- 灵体投射常与意识的变异状态联系在一起。

12. The shaman claimed to communicate with spirits in the astral realm.

- 萨满宣称在灵体界与灵魂沟通。

13. In some mystical traditions, the astral plane is divided into different levels or dimensions.

- 在某些神秘传统中,灵体层被划分为不同的层次或维度。

14. Practitioners of astral travel often report encounters with beings not of this world.

- 练习灵体旅行的人经常报告与来自其他世界的存在相遇的经历。

15. The book provides a guide to navigating the astral landscape and its inhabitants.

- 这本书提供了一份导读,教人如何在灵体景观及其居民中航行。


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