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时间: 2024-09-19 11:46:05


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "captious" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. His captious criticism of the project's flaws irritated everyone in the meeting. (他对项目缺陷的吹毛求疵的批评激怒了会议上的每个人。)

2. She had a captious attitude towards any suggestion that wasn't her own. (她对任何不是她自己提出的建议都持挑剔的态度。)

3. The captious customer found faults in even the smallest details of the product. (那位挑剔的顾客连产品最小的细节都挑出了毛病。)

4. He became known for his captious reviews of films, often focusing on minor inconsistencies. (他因对电影的吹毛求疵的评论而出名,经常集中在细微的不一致性上。)

5. The lawyer's captious questioning exposed weaknesses in the witness's testimony. (律师的挑剔质询揭露了证人证词的弱点。)

6. Despite her captious nature, she was highly respected for her attention to detail. (尽管她挑剔,但她因注重细节而备受尊敬。)

7. His captious remarks about her cooking hurt her feelings. (他对她做饭的挑剔言论伤害了她的感情。)

8. The captious editor insisted on rewriting the article multiple times. (这位挑剔的编辑坚持多次重写这篇文章。)

9. The teacher's captious standards challenged the students to strive for perfection. (老师的挑剔标准促使学生们追求完美。)

10. Despite his captious personality, he was meticulous in his work. (尽管他性格挑剔,但他在工作中非常细致。)

11. Her captiousness often led to prolonged debates over trivial matters. (她的挑剔常常导致对琐事的长时间辩论。)

12. The captious objections delayed the approval of the project. (挑剔的反对意见延误了项目的批准。)

13. He was known for his captious humor, which often bordered on sarcasm. (他以挑剔的幽默而闻名,常常近乎于讽刺。)

14. The captious reviewer dismissed the book as lacking in originality. (这位挑剔的评论家认为这本书缺乏独创性而加以否定。)

15. Despite the captious challenges, the team successfully launched the new product. (尽管有挑剔的挑战,团队成功地推出了新产品。)


上一个 【英语】caption的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】acceptability的例句



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