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时间: 2024-09-17 13:26:39


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "intercept" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The spy agency intercepted a coded message from the enemy. (间谍机构拦截了敌人的一条加密消息。)

2. Air traffic control had to intercept the aircraft that had deviated from its flight path. (空中交通管制必须拦截偏离飞行路径的飞机。)

3. The police intercepted the stolen goods before they could be sold. (警察在货物被出售之前拦截了被盗物品。)

4. The football player intercepted a pass and ran it back for a touchdown. (足球运动员抢断了传球并把球跑回得分区。)

5. The intercept of communications is a critical tool in national security. (通信拦截是国家安全的重要工具。)

6. The missile defense system successfully intercepted the incoming warhead. (导弹防御系统成功拦截了来袭的弹头。)

7. He tried to intercept her before she left the building. (他试图在她离开建筑物之前拦截她。)

8. The interception of the criminal was executed without incident. (罪犯的拦截执行得很顺利。)

9. The intercepting aircraft escorted the intruder out of the restricted airspace. (拦截飞机护送侵入者离开限制空域。)

10. The interception of illegal drugs at the border was a major success for law enforcement. (在边境拦截非法毒品是执法部门的重大成功。)

11. Radar stations were used to intercept enemy aircraft during the war. (雷达站用于在战争期间拦截敌方飞机。)

12. The intercept attempt failed, and the opponent scored. (拦截尝试失败了,对手得分了。)

13. Our interception of the package prevented a potential security threat. (我们对包裹的拦截阻止了潜在的安全威胁。)

14. They managed to intercept the convoy before it reached the city. (他们设法在车队到达城市之前拦截了它。)

15. Intelligence agencies intercepted communications indicating an imminent attack. (情报机构拦截到的通信显示即将发生攻击。)


上一个 【英语】inception的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】receptacle的例句



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