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时间: 2024-09-17 13:29:15


当然,请看以下关于 "chronology" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The chronology of events leading up to the war is complex. (导致战争的事件顺序很复杂。)

2. He is researching the chronology of ancient civilizations. (他正在研究古代文明的年代顺序。)

3. The historian constructed a detailed chronology of the dynasty. (历史学家编制了这个朝代的详细年表。)

4. The museum displays artifacts in chronological order. (博物馆按时间顺序展示文物。)

5. Can you clarify the chronology of the project milestones? (你能澄清项目里程碑的时间顺序吗?)

6. The detective reconstructed the crime scene's chronology. (侦探重建了犯罪现场的时间线。)

7. The book provides a detailed chronology of the artist's life. (这本书详细记录了艺术家一生的年表。)

8. Understanding the chronology of geological events is crucial for dating fossils. (理解地质事件的时间顺序对于确定化石的年代至关重要。)

9. The professor outlined the chronology of philosophical thought over the centuries. (教授概述了几个世纪以来哲学思想的时间顺序。)

10. They discussed the chronology of climate change in the region. (他们讨论了该地区气候变化的年代顺序。)

11. The chronology of the novel's events confused some readers. (小说事件的时间线混淆了一些读者。)

12. Archaeologists use stratigraphy to establish the chronology of ancient settlements. (考古学家使用地层学来确定古代定居点的年代顺序。)

13. The film explores the chronology of the artist's rise to fame. (这部电影探索了艺术家成名过程的时间顺序。)

14. She mapped out the chronology of her family's migrations. (她绘制了家族迁徙的年表。)

15. In history class, they discussed the chronology of major wars. (历史课上,他们讨论了主要战争的时间顺序。)

希望这些例句能帮助您理解 "chronology" 这个词的用法及含义!

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