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时间: 2024-09-20 01:07:19



1. The excision of the tumor was successful, and the patient is recovering well. (肿瘤的切除手术成功了,病人正在恢复中。)

2. In botanical terms, excision refers to the removal of a part of a plant, often for research purposes. (在植物学中,切除指的是移除植物的一部分,通常是为了研究。)

3. The excision of the controversial clause from the contract led to renewed negotiations. (从合同中删除有争议的条款导致了重新的谈判。)

4. He underwent excision of the damaged tissue to prevent further infection. (他接受了损伤组织的切除手术,以防止进一步感染。)

5. The excision of the infected appendix was necessary to prevent peritonitis. (为了预防腹膜炎,必须切除感染的阑尾。)

6. Geneticists study excision repair mechanisms in DNA to understand how cells maintain genomic integrity. (遗传学家研究DNA中的切除修复机制,以了解细胞如何维持基因组的完整性。)

7. Excision of the damaged section of the bridge was necessary to ensure structural stability. (为了确保结构稳定性,必须切除桥梁的损坏部分。)

8. The excision of the paragraph weakened the argument presented in the essay. (删除这一段落削弱了论文中提出的论点。)

9. Surgeons performed excision of the cyst to alleviate the patient's pain. (外科医生进行了囊肿的切除手术,以减轻病人的疼痛。)

10. The excision of the old policies made way for new, more effective regulations. (旧政策的废除为新的更有效的法规铺平了道路。)

11. After excision of the abnormal cells, the patient's prognosis improved significantly. (在切除异常细胞后,病人的预后显著改善。)

12. The excision of historical records during the purge was an attempt to erase collective memory. (在清洗期间删减历史记录是试图抹去集体记忆的尝试。)

13. The excision of certain scenes from the movie changed its narrative flow. (从电影中删除某些场景改变了它的叙事流程。)

14. Microscopic excision of the tumor margins was necessary to ensure no cancerous cells were left behind. (必须进行肿瘤边缘的显微切除,以确保没有癌细胞残留。)

15. The excision of personal details from the report was mandated to protect privacy. (从报告中删除个人细节是为了保护隐私。)


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