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时间: 2024-09-17 13:59:37



1. Finding closure after her father's death was a long and difficult process for Jane.(简在父亲去世后找到了情感的了结,这是一个漫长而艰难的过程。)

2. The apology from her ex-boyfriend gave her the closure she needed to move on.(前男友的道歉给了她继续前行所需的心理安慰。)

3. Writing a letter to her childhood bully provided Sarah with closure about the painful memories.(撰写一封信给她童年的霸凌者,让莎拉能够对痛苦的回忆有所了结。)

4. The closure of the factory left many workers without jobs.(工厂的关闭使许多工人失业。)

5. After the trial, the victim's family felt a sense of closure knowing that justice had been served.(庭审结束后,受害者的家人感到正义得到伸张,心理上有了一种了结感。)

6. Attending the memorial service provided some closure for the community grieving the loss of their beloved mayor.(参加追悼会为社区在悼念心爱的市长逝世时提供了一些心理上的了结。)

7. His decision to quit his job gave him a sense of closure from the stressful corporate environment.(他决定辞去工作,让他能够从紧张的公司环境中得到某种心理上的了结。)

8. Reading her grandmother's old letters provided Emily with closure after her passing.(阅读她祖母的老信件,让艾米莉在祖母去世后心理上有了一种了结。)

9. The final episode of the TV series gave fans closure on the characters' storylines.(电视剧的最后一集为粉丝们提供了对角色故事情节的一个完满的了结。)

10. Going back to the place where they first met gave them both a sense of closure to their relationship.(回到他们初次相遇的地方,让他们俩对他们的关系有了一种心理上的了结。)

11. After years of searching, she finally found closure when she discovered what happened to her long-lost brother.(经过多年的寻找,当她发现她失散多年的兄弟的下落时,她终于找到了一种心理上的了结。)

12. The closure of the local bookstore was a blow to the community's cultural life.(当地书店的关闭对社区的文化生活是一个打击。)

13. Completing his therapy sessions provided John with the closure he needed to move forward after the accident.(完成他的治疗课程,为约翰在事故后继续前行提供了他所需的心理上的了结。)

14. Selling their childhood home gave the siblings closure as they moved their elderly parents into assisted living.(将他们的童年家园卖掉,让兄弟姐妹在把年迈的父母搬进辅助生活设施时有了某种了结感。)

15. The therapy dog provided comfort and closure to patients recovering from traumatic experiences.(治疗犬给正在从创伤经历中恢复的患者提供了安慰和心理上的了结。)


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