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时间: 2024-09-29 00:56:17



1. The investigation vindicated her claim of innocence. (调查证实了她的清白。)

2. The court's decision vindicated years of hard work. (法院的判决为多年的辛勤工作正名。)

3. The evidence presented at the trial vindicated his theories. (在审判中提出的证据证实了他的理论。)

4. History eventually vindicated his controversial actions. (历史最终证明了他那些有争议的行动是正确的。)

5. His excellent performance vindicated our decision to hire him. (他出色的表现证明了我们雇佣他的决定是正确的。)

6. The success of the project vindicated all the risks we took. (项目的成功证实了我们所承担的所有风险是值得的。)

7. Her promotion vindicated her years of dedication to the company. (她的晋升证明了她多年来对公司的奉献。)

8. The jury's verdict vindicated the defendant's actions. (陪审团的裁决为被告的行为正名。)

9. The results of the experiment vindicated the scientist's hypothesis. (实验的结果证实了科学家的假设。)

10. Time has vindicated her warnings about climate change. (时间证明了她对气候变化发出的警告是正确的。)

11. The audit report vindicated the company's financial practices. (审计报告证实了公司的财务做法。)

12. His perseverance vindicated his belief in the project. (他的坚持证明了他对项目的信念是正确的。)

13. The final score vindicated the team captain's strategy. (最终比分证明了队长的策略是明智的。)

14. The new evidence vindicated the suspect, leading to their release. (新证据证实了嫌疑人的清白,导致其获释。)

15. The apology from management vindicated the concerns of the employees. (管理层的道歉证明了员工的担忧是合理的。)


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