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时间: 2024-09-29 00:57:13


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "doubtful" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She gave a doubtful glance at the weather forecast before deciding to bring an umbrella. (她对天气预报投以怀疑的目光,然后决定带把伞。)

2. The witness's testimony was deemed doubtful due to inconsistencies in his story. (由于证人故事中的矛盾之处,他的证词被视为可疑。)

3. It is doubtful whether we will reach our destination before nightfall. (我们能否在天黑前到达目的地还是个问题。)

4. The new evidence cast doubt on the suspect's alibi. (新证据让人对嫌疑人的不在场证据产生了怀疑。)

5. His promise to quit smoking seemed doubtful as he lit another cigarette. (他点燃了另一支香烟,这让他关于戒烟的承诺看起来不太可信。)

6. The team's chances of winning the championship are doubtful after losing their star player. (在失去明星球员之后,这支球队赢得冠军的可能性非常小。)

7. The benefits of the new policy are doubtful without concrete data to support it. (没有具体数据支持,这项新政策的好处是令人怀疑的。)

8. It is doubtful whether he has the qualifications for such a high-level position. (他是否具备如此高级职位的资格是令人怀疑的。)

9. Her excuse for being late seemed doubtful because it was the same one she used last time. (她迟到的借口似乎不太可信,因为上次她也用了同样的借口。)

10. The integrity of the data became doubtful after the audit revealed inconsistencies. (审计揭示了数据的矛盾之后,数据的完整性变得可疑。)

11. The forecast for economic growth in the region is doubtful due to recent political instability. (由于最近的政治动荡,该地区经济增长的预测具有不确定性。)

12. His commitment to the project is doubtful given his recent lack of involvement. (考虑到他最近缺乏参与,他对这个项目的承诺是可疑的。)

13. The company's future remains doubtful amidst rumors of financial trouble. (在有关财务困境的传闻中,公司的未来仍然存在不确定性。)

14. The effectiveness of the treatment remains doubtful until further clinical trials are conducted. (在进一步的临床试验进行之前,治疗的有效性仍然是个疑问。)

15. The authenticity of the ancient artifact is doubtful without proper documentation of its origin. (如果没有其起源的正确文献记录,这件古代文物的真实性是有疑问的。)

These sentences illustrate different contexts in which "doubtful" can be used, conveying uncertainty or skepticism about various situations.

上一个 【英语】indubitable的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】duplicity的例句



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