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时间: 2024-09-29 00:44:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations for the word "seduction":

1. She was skilled in the art of seduction, using charm and wit to captivate her audience.

- 她精通于诱惑的艺术,运用魅力和机智来迷住她的听众。

2. The seduction of power led him down a path of corruption and betrayal.

- 权力的诱惑使他走上了腐败和背叛的道路。

3. His smooth talk and flattering compliments were part of his seduction technique.

- 他的花言巧语和恭维的赞美是他诱惑的技巧的一部分。

4. The novel portrays the dangerous allure of seduction in a glamorous but deceptive world.

- 这部小说描绘了在光鲜而欺骗性的世界中,诱惑的危险吸引力。

5. She fell victim to his seduction and soon found herself deeply entangled in his web of lies.

- 她成为了他诱惑的牺牲品,很快发现自己深陷在他的谎言网中。

6. The art gallery was a seduction of the senses, with its vibrant colors and striking compositions.

- 这个艺术画廊是对感官的一种诱惑,它的鲜艳色彩和引人注目的构图。

7. He resisted the seduction of fame and remained dedicated to his true passions.

- 他抵制了名声的诱惑,始终专注于他真正的激情。

8. The movie explores the theme of seduction and its consequences on relationships.

- 这部电影探讨了诱惑的主题及其对人际关系的影响。

9. Marketing campaigns often use subtle seduction techniques to influence consumer behavior.

- 市场营销活动常常使用微妙的诱惑技巧来影响消费者行为。

10. The character's vulnerability became a target for emotional seduction by those around her.

- 这个角色的脆弱性成为了周围人情感诱惑的目标。

11. The novel describes the protagonist's moral struggle against the seduction of wealth and power.

- 这部小说描述了主人公在财富和权力的诱惑面前的道德挣扎。

12. Her innocence was a magnet for his subtle seduction tactics.

- 她的纯真对他微妙的诱惑策略起到了吸引作用。

13. The seduction of adventure lured him away from his stable life and into uncertainty.

- 冒险的诱惑吸引他离开了稳定的生活,进入了不确定性之中。

14. The play explores the darker side of seduction and manipulation within relationships.

- 这部剧探讨了人际关系中诱惑和操控的阴暗面。

15. She used her charm and beauty as weapons of seduction to achieve her goals.

- 她利用她的魅力和美丽作为诱惑的武器来实现她的目标。

These sentences illustrate different contexts and uses of "seduction," showing its various forms and implications in both positive and negative scenarios.

上一个 【英语】induct的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】traduce的例句



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