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时间: 2024-09-20 10:02:07


Certainly! "Obdurate" means stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. She remained obdurate in her decision not to apologize, despite everyone's advice.

- 尽管大家劝告,她仍然固执地坚持不道歉。

2. The obdurate old man refused to accept any help from his neighbors.

- 那个固执的老人拒绝接受邻居们的任何帮助。

3. Despite the evidence presented, he remained obdurate in his belief that he was right.

- 尽管有证据表明他错了,他仍固执地认为自己是对的。

4. The negotiations failed because both sides were obdurate and unwilling to compromise.

- 由于双方都固执己见,不愿妥协,谈判失败了。

5. Her obdurate refusal to accept any alternative solutions frustrated the team.

- 她对任何替代方案的顽固拒绝让团队感到沮丧。

6. The obdurate child would not stop crying until he got what he wanted.

- 那个固执的孩子一直哭,直到得到他想要的东西为止。

7. Despite the risks, he remained obdurate in his determination to climb the mountain alone.

- 尽管有风险,他仍然固执地决定独自登山。

8. The obdurate judge refused to reconsider his decision, despite the new evidence presented.

- 尽管提供了新证据,那位固执的法官拒绝重新考虑他的决定。

9. The obdurate attitude of the company's management led to a prolonged strike.

- 公司管理层的顽固态度导致了一场长时间的罢工。

10. Her obdurate adherence to traditional methods limited the team's ability to innovate.

- 她对传统方法的顽固坚持限制了团队的创新能力。

11. The obdurate refusal of the dictator to step down sparked widespread protests.

- 独裁者的顽固拒绝下台引发了广泛的抗议活动。

12. Despite their obdurate resistance, the invaders eventually overcame the city's defenses.

- 尽管他们顽强抵抗,侵略者最终还是突破了城市的防线。

13. The obdurate customer service representative refused to escalate the complaint to a supervisor.

- 那位顽固的客服代表拒绝将投诉升级到主管。

14. His obdurate refusal to listen to others' opinions often alienated his colleagues.

- 他对别人意见的固执拒绝常常使他的同事感到疏远。

15. The obdurate criminal showed no remorse during the trial.

- 那位顽固的罪犯在审判过程中没有表现出任何悔意。


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