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时间: 2024-09-20 05:11:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "equate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. I don't think you can equate success with happiness; they are different concepts. (我认为成功和幸福不能等同视之,它们是不同的概念。)

2. Some people mistakenly equate wealth with intelligence. (有些人错误地把财富等同于智力。)

3. In this context, equating the two incidents would be misleading. (在这种情况下,把这两个事件等同起来会误导人。)

4. The study equates regular exercise with improved mental health. (这项研究把定期运动与改善心理健康等同起来。)

5. It's unfair to equate his actions now with his behavior in the past. (把他现在的行为和过去的行为等同起来是不公平的。)

6. They equated the company's expansion with its increased profitability. (他们把公司的扩展和其盈利能力的增加等同起来。)

7. You shouldn't equate popularity with quality; they're not always connected. (你不应该把流行与质量等同起来,它们并不总是相关的。)

8. Some critics equate her novels with literary classics. (一些评论家把她的小说与文学经典等同起来。)

9. The report equates longer working hours with decreased productivity. (这份报告把更长的工作时间和生产力下降等同起来。)

10. Politicians often equate national security with military strength. (政治家们常常把国家安全等同于军事力量。)

11. It's a mistake to equate introversion with shyness. (把内向和害羞等同起来是错误的。)

12. The article equates environmental sustainability with economic growth. (这篇文章把环境可持续性和经济增长等同起来。)

13. She equates her success in business with her ability to network effectively. (她把自己在商业上的成功与她有效网络的能力等同起来。)

14. They equated his silence with agreement. (他们把他的沉默理解为同意。)

15. Critics equate his latest film with his early masterpieces. (评论家们把他的最新电影与他早期的杰作等同起来。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "equate" in various contexts!

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