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时间: 2024-09-20 11:09:28



1. Many of his coevals from university have already achieved great success in their careers. (许多和他同时期的大学同学已经在他们的职业生涯中取得了巨大的成功。)

2. The philosopher Kant and the writer Goethe were coevals in the late 18th century. (哲学家康德和作家歌德是18世纪末期的同时代人。)

3. She was admired for her wisdom and grace by her coevals. (她被她的同时代人们因其智慧和风度而赞赏。)

4. These works of art provide a glimpse into the concerns of their coeval society. (这些艺术作品揭示了它们所处同时代社会的关注点。)

5. Picasso and Matisse were coevals, both making significant contributions to modern art. (毕加索和马蒂斯是同时代人,两人都为现代艺术做出了重要贡献。)

6. The coeval development of science and technology has greatly influenced our daily lives. (科技的同时发展极大地影响了我们的日常生活。)

7. His ideas were ahead of his coevals, and it took time for them to be appreciated. (他的思想超越了他的同时代人,需要时间才能得到赞赏。)

8. The novel captures the essence of the coeval political turmoil. (这部小说捕捉到了同时代政治动荡的精髓。)

9. Shakespeare and Marlowe were coeval playwrights, both contributing significantly to English literature. (莎士比亚和马洛是同时代的剧作家,两人对英国文学都有重大贡献。)

10. They were part of a coeval movement that sought to redefine artistic expression. (他们是寻求重新定义艺术表达方式的同时代运动的一部分。)

11. The coeval development of philosophy and science during the Enlightenment era shaped modern thought. (启蒙时代哲学和科学的同时发展塑造了现代思想。)

12. The poet and the painter were coevals, influencing each other's work. (这位诗人和画家是同时代人,相互影响着彼此的作品。)

13. His theories were groundbreaking among his coevals, sparking intense debates. (他的理论在他的同时代人中是开创性的,引发了激烈的争论。)

14. The coeval events of war and economic collapse profoundly affected the nation. (战争和经济崩溃的同时发生深刻地影响了这个国家。)

15. The composer's works were praised by his coevals for their innovation and emotional depth. (作曲家的作品因其创新性和情感深度而受到他的同时代人的赞扬。)


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