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时间: 2024-09-20 05:55:44


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with the word "fable," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The story of "The Tortoise and the Hare" is a famous fable about perseverance and overconfidence. (“乌龟和兔子”的故事是关于坚持和自负的著名寓言。)

2. Aesop's fables often teach valuable lessons through animal characters. (伊索寓言经常通过动物角色教导宝贵的教训。)

3. The fable of the boy who cried wolf warns against making false alarms. (“狼来了”的男孩的寓言警示我们不要发出虚假的警报。)

4. The story of the ant and the grasshopper illustrates the importance of hard work and planning ahead. (蚂蚁和蝗虫的故事说明了勤劳和提前计划的重要性。)

5. La Fontaine's fables are renowned for their wit and moral teachings. (拉封丹的寓言因其智慧和道德教诲而闻名。)

6. The fable of the fox and the grapes shows how people often despise what they cannot have. (狐狸和葡萄的寓言展示了人们经常鄙视不能得到的东西。)

7. One famous fable involves a lion who spares a mouse's life, only to be helped by the same mouse later. (一个著名的寓言涉及一只狮子饶恕了一只老鼠的生命,后来被同一只老鼠帮助。)

8. The fable about the goose that laid golden eggs warns against greed and impatience. (那只下金蛋的鹅的寓言警示我们不要贪婪和急躁。)

9. Modern fables often incorporate moral lessons relevant to contemporary society. (现代寓言通常包含与当代社会相关的道德教训。)

10. The fable of the blind men and the elephant teaches us about the limitations of perception. (盲人摸象的寓言教导我们认识到感知的局限性。)

11. Fables have been used throughout history to transmit cultural values and wisdom. (寓言在历史上被用来传递文化价值观和智慧。)

12. The fable of the crow and the pitcher demonstrates that ingenuity can overcome seemingly impossible challenges. (乌鸦和水瓶的寓言表明,机智可以克服看似不可能的挑战。)

13. Animal fables are a popular genre among children's literature due to their engaging characters and moral messages. (由于其引人入胜的角色和道德信息,动物寓言是儿童文学中的一种流行体裁。)

14. Each culture has its own collection of traditional fables that reflect its unique values and beliefs. (每个文化都有自己的传统寓言集,反映了其独特的价值观和信仰。)

15. The fable of the dog in the manger illustrates how jealousy can lead to selfish actions. (马槽里的狗的寓言说明了嫉妒如何导致自私的行为。)


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