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时间: 2024-09-20 12:57:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "affected" along with their Chinese translations:

1. His affected accent made it difficult to understand him. (他那做作的口音让人难以理解。)

2. She was deeply affected by the news of her friend's illness. (她对朋友生病的消息感到深受触动。)

3. The storm affected the entire region, causing widespread damage. (风暴影响了整个地区,造成了广泛的破坏。)

4. The artist's affected mannerisms distracted from his true talent. (艺术家做作的举止让人分散了对他真正才华的注意力。)

5. The new policy will not affect existing customers. (新政策不会影响现有客户。)

6. His affected indifference was just a facade; he cared deeply about the outcome. (他做作的漠不关心只是表面现象;他对结果非常关心。)

7. The strike is expected to affect public transportation services. (预计罢工将影响公共交通服务。)

8. The noise from the construction site affected their ability to concentrate. (建筑工地的噪音影响了他们的集中注意力的能力。)

9. Her affected laughter was a clear attempt to fit in with the group. (她做作的笑声显然是试图融入这个群体。)

10. The economic downturn affected the company's profits. (经济下滑影响了公司的利润。)

11. His affected politeness bordered on sarcasm. (他做作的礼貌近乎讽刺。)

12. The medication may affect your ability to drive safely. (这种药物可能会影响你安全驾驶的能力。)

13. She was profoundly affected by the loss of her pet. (她对失去她的宠物深感伤痛。)

14. The pandemic affected people's daily routines worldwide. (这场大流行影响了全球人们的日常生活。)

15. His affected humility did not fool anyone; everyone knew he was quite proud. (他做作的谦逊并没有愚弄任何人;每个人都知道他相当自豪。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "affected" in various contexts!

上一个 【英语】manufacture的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】affection的例句



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