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时间: 2024-09-20 11:09:54


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "fictitious," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The novel's characters are entirely fictitious and bear no resemblance to real people. (小说中的角色完全是虚构的,与真实人物毫不相似。)

2. The newspaper printed a fictitious story about aliens landing in the city. (报纸刊登了一篇关于外星人在城市降落的虚构故事。)

3. His claim of having a million-dollar fortune turned out to be entirely fictitious. (他声称拥有百万美元财富的说法原来是完全虚构的。)

4. The movie was based on a fictitious account of historical events. (这部电影是根据历史事件的虚构描述制作的。)

5. The author invented a fictitious town as the setting for her mystery series. (作者创造了一个虚构的小镇作为她的悬疑系列小说的背景。)

6. The court dismissed the case, citing the fictitious nature of the evidence presented. (法院驳回了此案,称所呈现的证据是虚构的。)

7. In the story, the protagonist meets a fictitious creature that can talk to plants. (在故事中,主人公遇到了一种可以与植物交流的虚构生物。)

8. The financial report contained fictitious numbers to cover up the company's losses. (财务报告包含了虚构的数字,以掩盖公司的亏损。)

9. The defendant gave a fictitious name to the police when they asked for identification. (被告在警察要求出示身份时提供了一个虚构的姓名。)

10. She wrote a series of fictitious letters to herself as part of a therapeutic exercise. (她写了一系列虚构的信件给自己,作为治疗性练习的一部分。)

11. The legend of the haunted house turned out to be entirely fictitious. (那所闹鬼的房子的传说原来完全是虚构的。)

12. The textbook included a fictitious scenario to illustrate a point about ethical dilemmas. (教科书包含了一个虚构的情境,以阐明关于道德困境的一个观点。)

13. The artist painted a series of fictitious landscapes inspired by dreams. (艺术家画了一系列受梦境启发的虚构风景画。)

14. His memoirs were criticized for containing fictitious events that never actually happened. (他的回忆录因包含一些从未发生过的虚构事件而受到批评。)

15. The movie script was rejected for its overly complex plot involving fictitious historical figures. (这部电影剧本因涉及过于复杂的情节和虚构的历史人物而被拒绝。)


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