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时间: 2024-09-29 00:48:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "falsify" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. He was caught trying to falsify the company's financial records.

- 他被抓到企图篡改公司的财务记录。

2. Scientists must never falsify data to support their theories.

- 科学家绝不能篡改数据来支持他们的理论。

3. The journalist was fired for falsifying information in his articles.

- 那名记者因在文章中篡改信息而被解雇。

4. She was accused of falsifying her credentials on her resume.

- 她被指控在简历中伪造她的资历。

5. The witness admitted to falsifying his testimony under pressure.

- 目击者承认在压力下篡改了他的证词。

6. The research study was retracted after it was discovered that the data had been falsified.

- 在发现数据已被篡改后,研究报告被撤回了。

7. It is a serious offense to falsify official documents.

- 篡改官方文件是一种严重的罪行。

8. The company's internal investigation revealed attempts to falsify maintenance records.

- 公司的内部调查揭示了篡改维护记录的企图。

9. He was charged with falsifying evidence to obstruct justice.

- 他被指控篡改证据以阻碍司法公正。

10. The historian was accused of falsifying historical records to fit his narrative.

- 那位历史学家被指控篡改历史记录以符合他的叙述。

11. The athlete was banned from competition for attempting to falsify a drug test.

- 运动员因企图篡改药检结果而被禁止参赛。

12. The teacher was dismissed for falsifying grades on students' exams.

- 那名老师因篡改学生考试成绩而被解雇。

13. Falsifying information on a job application is grounds for immediate dismissal.

- 在求职申请中篡改信息是立即解雇的理由。

14. The defendant was found guilty of falsifying his alibi.

- 被告被判定篡改他的不在场证据罪名成立。

15. The journalist's career was ruined after it was revealed that he had falsified sources in his articles.

- 在揭露他在文章中篡改消息来源后,那名记者的职业生涯毁了。


上一个 【英语】falsehood的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】falsification的例句



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