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时间: 2024-09-18 11:37:03


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "conifer" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The pine tree in our backyard is a tall conifer that provides shade in the summer. (我们后院的松树是一棵高大的针叶树,在夏天提供阴凉。)

2. Conifers like spruce and fir are commonly used as Christmas trees. (云杉和冷杉等针叶树常用作圣诞树。)

3. The forest was dominated by conifers, with only a few deciduous trees scattered throughout. (这片森林主要是针叶树,只有零星分布着一些落叶树。)

4. She collected pine cones fallen from the conifer trees for her art project. (她收集了从针叶树上掉落下来的松果,用于她的艺术项目。)

5. The aroma of conifers filled the air during our hike in the mountain forest. (我们在山林中徒步时,针叶树的香气弥漫在空气中。)

6. The timber industry relies heavily on conifers for their wood products. (木材工业对针叶树的木材产品有很大依赖。)

7. The garden was landscaped with various conifers to create a year-round greenery. (花园中种植了各种各样的针叶树,营造了全年绿意盎然的景观。)

8. The biologist studied the ecological role of conifers in alpine ecosystems. (生物学家研究了针叶树在高山生态系统中的生态角色。)

9. Conifers are known for their needle-like leaves and cones. (针叶树以其针状叶和球果而闻名。)

10. The ancient Greeks revered conifers for their symbolic significance in mythology. (古希腊人尊敬针叶树,因为它们在神话中具有象征意义。)

11. The landscape artist painted a serene scene with conifers lining the lake shore. (景观艺术家画了一幅在湖岸边种植针叶树的宁静场景。)

12. Conifers are adapted to survive harsh winters due to their evergreen foliage. (针叶树由于其常绿叶片而适应了严寒的冬季生存。)

13. The logging company replanted conifers in the harvested areas to maintain forest sustainability. (伐木公司在采伐区重新种植针叶树,以保持森林的可持续性。)

14. We could hear the wind rustling through the conifers as we camped under the trees. (我们在树下露营时,能听到风声穿过针叶树的沙沙声。)

15. The botanist identified several rare conifer species during the expedition in the remote forest. (植物学家在偏远森林的探险中发现了几种罕见的针叶树种类。)


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