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时间: 2024-09-18 11:47:35


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "differentiate," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion when making decisions. (在做决定时,区分事实和观点是很重要的。)

2. The new software feature helps to differentiate our product from competitors'. (新软件功能有助于区别我们的产品与竞争对手。)

3. Teachers use various methods to differentiate instruction for students with different learning styles. (老师们使用各种方法为不同学习风格的学生个性化教学。)

4. She could not differentiate the twins because they looked exactly alike. (她无法区分这对双胞胎,因为他们长得一模一样。)

5. The ability to differentiate shades of color is important in art and design. (在艺术和设计中,区分色彩的能力非常重要。)

6. He struggled to differentiate the authentic antique from the cleverly made replica. (他很难区分真正的古董和巧妙制作的复制品。)

7. The company used a unique branding strategy to differentiate itself in a crowded market. (公司采用了独特的品牌战略,在竞争激烈的市场中实现区隔。)

8. In biology, it's crucial to differentiate between plant and animal cells. (在生物学中,区分植物细胞和动物细胞至关重要。)

9. The therapist helped her to differentiate between her rational fears and irrational anxieties. (治疗师帮助她区分了理性的恐惧和不合理的焦虑。)

10. He struggled to differentiate right from wrong in the complex ethical dilemma. (在这个复杂的伦理困境中,他很难分清是非。)

11. The study aims to differentiate the effects of various types of exercise on cardiovascular health. (这项研究旨在区分不同类型运动对心血管健康的影响。)

12. They need to differentiate their voices to make the choir sound harmonious. (他们需要区分各自的声音,让合唱团听起来和谐。)

13. The company offers customization options to differentiate their products for individual customers. (该公司提供定制选项,以个性化区分他们的产品,迎合个别客户。)

14. As a detective, he learned to differentiate subtle clues that others might miss. (作为一名侦探,他学会了区分那些别人可能会忽略的微妙线索。)

15. The ability to differentiate between truth and falsehood is a fundamental skill in critical thinking. (分辨真相和谎言的能力是批判性思维中的基本技能。)


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