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时间: 2024-09-20 10:11:28


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "fertility":

1. The fertility of the soil allowed the farmers to harvest abundant crops each year.

- 这块土地的肥沃使农民每年都能收获丰盛的庄稼。

2. The couple consulted a fertility specialist after struggling to conceive for over a year.

- 这对夫妇在试图怀孕一年多后去咨询了生育专家。

3. The scientist studied the factors that affect fertility rates in different populations.

- 科学家研究了影响不同人群生育率的因素。

4. Some plants have evolved unique adaptations to thrive in low-fertility environments.

- 一些植物进化出独特的适应机制,以在贫瘠的环境中生存茁壮。

5. In ancient cultures, fertility rituals were often performed to ensure good harvests.

- 古代文化中,经常会进行生育仪式以确保丰收。

6. The declining fertility rate in developed countries is a topic of concern for economists.

- 发达国家的生育率下降是经济学家关注的话题。

7. She underwent fertility treatments to increase her chances of having a child.

- 她接受了生育治疗,以增加怀孕的机会。

8. Fertility declines with age, especially for women over 35.

- 生育能力随着年龄增长而下降,尤其是对于35岁以上的女性。

9. Certain lifestyle factors can impact fertility, such as smoking and diet.

- 某些生活方式因素会影响生育能力,例如吸烟和饮食。

10. The region's fertility rate has been steadily decreasing over the past decade.

- 该地区的生育率在过去十年里稳步下降。

11. They invested in research to improve soil fertility for sustainable agriculture.

- 他们投资研究以提高土壤肥力,实现可持续农业发展。

12. Herbal medicine has been used for centuries to enhance fertility in traditional cultures.

- 传统文化中几个世纪以来一直使用草药来增强生育能力。

13. The study aims to understand how climate change affects fertility in marine ecosystems.

- 这项研究旨在了解气候变化如何影响海洋生态系统的生育能力。

14. Couples often experience emotional stress when facing fertility challenges.

- 夫妇在面对生育挑战时通常会经历情绪压力。

15. High fertility rates in some regions can lead to population growth challenges.

- 一些地区的高生育率可能导致人口增长的挑战。


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