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时间: 2024-09-20 13:19:47



1. The fire quickly grew into a massive conflagration, engulfing several city blocks.(大火迅速变成了一场巨大的大火,吞噬了几个市区街区。)

2. The forest conflagration raged for days before firefighters were able to contain it.(森林大火肆虐了几天,消防队员才得以控制。)

3. The historic library was destroyed in a devastating conflagration.(这座历史悠久的图书馆在一场毁灭性的大火中被摧毁。)

4. Residents fled their homes as the conflagration approached their neighborhood.(居民在大火逼近他们社区时逃离了家园。)

5. The conflagration spread so quickly that even neighboring towns were at risk.(大火蔓延得如此之快,以至于邻近的城镇也面临风险。)

6. Firefighters worked tirelessly to prevent the conflagration from spreading further.(消防队员不知疲倦地工作,防止大火进一步蔓延。)

7. The war zone resembled a nightmarish conflagration of destruction and despair.(战区酷似一场噩梦般的毁灭和绝望大火。)

8. The conflagration left behind a landscape of charred ruins and desolation.(大火留下了一片焦黑的废墟和荒凉景象。)

9. The city prepared for the possibility of another devastating conflagration.(城市为再次发生毁灭性大火的可能性做好了准备。)

10. Smoke billowed into the sky as the conflagration consumed everything in its path.(大火烧毁一切的同时,浓烟冲天而起。)

11. Historical records recount the tragic conflagration that reshaped the city's history.(历史记录详述了那场塑造了城市历史的悲剧性大火。)

12. The conflagration of war brought untold suffering to civilian populations.(战争的大火给平民带来了无法估量的苦难。)

13. In literature, the conflagration often symbolizes destruction and renewal simultaneously.(在文学中,大火常常同时象征着毁灭与重生。)

14. The conflagration swept through the countryside, leaving devastation in its wake.(大火席卷了乡村,留下了毁灭性的后果。)

15. Authorities issued evacuation orders as the conflagration threatened residential areas.(当大火威胁到居民区时,当局发布了撤离命令。)


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