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时间: 2024-09-20 07:36:19


Certainly! "Genuflect" means to kneel down on one knee and then rise, especially as a sign of respect or worship. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. He genuflected before the altar in the church.

- 他在教堂的祭坛前屈膝礼拜。

2. As a sign of reverence, she genuflected before the king.

- 她为表示尊敬,在国王面前屈膝。

3. The knight genuflected before receiving his accolade.

- 骑士在受到赞美前屈膝。

4. They genuflected in unison at the sacred shrine.

- 他们齐声在神圣的神龛前屈膝。

5. The devout believers genuflect before entering the temple.

- 虔诚的信徒在进入寺庙前屈膝。

6. He always genuflects before entering the dojo out of respect for tradition.

- 出于对传统的尊重,他总是在进入道场前屈膝。

7. The guests genuflected in front of the elderly master as a gesture of gratitude.

- 客人们在长者大师面前屈膝,表达感激之情。

8. The servant genuflected before presenting the royal decree to the assembly.

- 仆人在向大会呈递皇家诏书前屈膝。

9. She would always genuflect before touching the sacred artifact.

- 她总是在触摸神圣的文物前屈膝。

10. It is customary to genuflect when passing in front of the tomb.

- 经过坟墓前时习惯性地屈膝。

11. The priest genuflected after placing the communion bread on the altar.

- 牧师在将圣餐面包放在祭坛上后屈膝。

12. Before addressing the council, he genuflected briefly.

- 在向委员会发言之前,他简短地屈膝。

13. In some cultures, it is customary to genuflect upon meeting elders.

- 在某些文化中,见到长者时习惯性地屈膝。

14. The acolytes genuflected before proceeding with the ritual.

- 侍僧们在继续仪式之前屈膝。

15. The athlete genuflected in gratitude after winning the championship.

- 运动员在赢得冠军后感恩屈膝。


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