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时间: 2024-09-20 08:07:35


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "effluent" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The factory's effluent discharged into the river, causing environmental concerns. (工厂的废水排放到河里,引起了环境问题。)

2. Effluent from the sewage treatment plant is treated to remove harmful substances before release. (污水处理厂的废水在排放前经过处理,去除有害物质。)

3. The company installed filters to reduce effluent pollutants in their wastewater. (公司安装了过滤器,减少了废水中的污染物。)

4. Effluent regulations require strict monitoring of industrial discharge. (废水排放法规要求对工业排放进行严格监控。)

5. The fish in the stream were endangered by the chemical effluents from the nearby factory. (河流中的鱼类因附近工厂排放的化学废物而受到威胁。)

6. Effluent control measures are crucial for maintaining water quality in urban areas. (废水控制措施对于维护城市地区的水质至关重要。)

7. Researchers studied the impact of effluents on aquatic ecosystems. (研究人员研究了废水对水生态系统的影响。)

8. The treatment plant failed to adequately process industrial effluents during peak production times. (处理厂在生产高峰期间未能充分处理工业废水。)

9. The effluent standards were tightened to protect marine life in the bay. (为了保护海湾中的海洋生物,废水排放标准得到了加强。)

10. Farmers were warned about the dangers of using effluent from chemical fertilizers on their fields. (农民们受到警告,不要在田地上使用化肥废水的危险性。)

11. Effluent testing revealed high levels of heavy metals in the wastewater samples. (废水测试显示出废水样本中重金属含量较高。)

12. Local authorities implemented strict regulations on effluent disposal from textile factories. (当地政府对纺织工厂的废水排放实施了严格的监管规定。)

13. The river's ecosystem was disrupted by the sudden influx of effluents from the storm drain. (河流的生态系统因暴雨排水管道排放的废水而受到破坏。)

14. Effluent treatment technologies continue to evolve to meet more stringent environmental standards. (废水处理技术不断发展,以满足更严格的环境标准。)

15. Effluent discharge into the lake was halted until the cause of contamination was identified. (在确认污染原因之前,停止向湖泊排放废水。)

These sentences cover various contexts where "effluent" is used to refer to wastewater or discharge, often in an environmental or industrial setting.

上一个 【英语】confluence的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】effluvial的例句



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