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时间: 2024-09-20 12:00:16


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using the word "influx," along with their Chinese translations:

1. An influx of tourists during the summer months strains local resources.

- 夏季游客的涌入使当地资源紧张。

2. The city experienced a sudden influx of new residents after the tech boom.

- 在科技繁荣之后,这座城市经历了新居民的突然涌入。

3. The company struggled to handle the influx of orders after their product went viral.

- 在产品走红后,公司难以处理订单的大量涌入。

4. The hospital was overwhelmed by the influx of patients during flu season.

- 在流感季节,医院因患者的大量涌入而不堪重负。

5. The small town saw an influx of young families looking for affordable housing.

- 这个小镇看到了大量寻找经济住房的年轻家庭的涌入。

6. The university experienced an influx of international students this semester.

- 这个学期,大学迎来了大量国际学生的涌入。

7. The business district is expecting an influx of shoppers during the holiday season.

- 商业区预计在假期季节将迎来大量的购物者涌入。

8. The city made preparations for the influx of athletes and spectators ahead of the sports event.

- 城市为体育赛事前运动员和观众的大量涌入做好了准备。

9. The refugee camp struggled to accommodate the influx of families fleeing the conflict.

- 难民营努力安置逃离冲突的家庭的大量涌入。

10. After the earthquake, there was an influx of volunteers offering assistance.

- 地震后,志愿者们蜂拥而至提供援助。

11. The store hired extra staff to handle the influx of customers during the holiday sale.

- 商店雇佣了额外的员工来处理假日促销期间顾客的大量涌入。

12. The theater experienced an influx of attendees after the popular play received rave reviews.

- 在这部受到好评的剧目后,剧院迎来了大量观众的涌入。

13. The museum saw an influx of visitors following the opening of a new exhibit.

- 新展览开放后,博物馆看到了大量游客的涌入。

14. The resort experienced an influx of bookings after it was featured in a travel magazine.

- 在旅行杂志上亮相后,度假村迎来了大量的预订。

15. The school faced challenges due to the influx of students from a neighboring district.

- 学校因为从邻近地区大量学生的涌入而面临挑战。

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "influx" can be used, from population increases to customer surges and more.

上一个 【英语】influenza的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】refluent的例句



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