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时间: 2024-09-29 00:47:01


Certainly! "Forte" has a couple of different meanings in English, so here are 15 example sentences with their corresponding Chinese explanations:

1. Music is her forte; she plays the piano beautifully.

- 她的长处是音乐,她弹钢琴弹得非常好。

2. His forte lies in public speaking; he can captivate any audience.

- 他擅长于演讲,能够吸引任何听众。

3. Mathematics has always been his forte; he excels in solving complex problems.

- 数学一直是他的强项,他擅长解决复杂的问题。

4. Her forte is cooking; she can whip up delicious meals in no time.

- 她的特长是烹饪,她能在很短的时间内做出美味的饭菜。

5. He knew that physical strength was not his forte, so he focused on developing his intellectual abilities.

- 他知道体力不是他的长处,因此专注于发展自己的智力能力。

6. Writing essays has never been her forte, but she is improving with practice.

- 写作文从来不是她的强项,但她通过实践正在进步。

7. Solving puzzles is his forte; he can solve even the most difficult ones quickly.

- 解决谜题是他的专长,他能迅速解决甚至最困难的谜题。

8. His forte in business lies in negotiation; he always manages to get the best deals.

- 他在商业上的长处在于谈判,他总能获得最好的交易。

9. Her forte is customer service; she knows exactly how to handle any situation with clients.

- 她的专长是客户服务,她清楚如何处理与客户的任何情况。

10. Research and analysis are his forte; he enjoys delving into complex data.

- 研究和分析是他的长处,他喜欢深入研究复杂的数据。

11. Her forte lies in organization; she can manage multiple projects simultaneously.

- 她的长处在于组织能力,她能同时管理多个项目。

12. His forte is strategy; he always thinks several steps ahead in any situation.

- 他的专长是战略,无论处于任何情况下,他总是能提前几步思考。

13. Public relations is her forte; she knows how to maintain a positive image for her clients.

- 公共关系是她的强项,她知道如何为客户保持积极的形象。

14. Teaching is his forte; he has a natural ability to explain complex concepts clearly.

- 教学是他的长处,他有天生的能力清晰地解释复杂的概念。

15. Graphic design is her forte; she creates visually stunning artwork.

- 平面设计是她的专长,她创作出视觉上令人惊叹的艺术作品。


上一个 【英语】fortitude的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】discomfort的例句



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