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时间: 2024-09-18 12:03:28



1. The scientist presented compelling evidence to refute the theory of spontaneous generation. (科学家提出了令人信服的证据来反驳自发生成理论。)

2. It is difficult to refute the claim that smoking causes various health problems. (很难反驳吸烟会导致各种健康问题的说法。)

3. The lawyer attempted to refute the witness's testimony through cross-examination. (律师试图通过盘问来驳斥证人的证词。)

4. The historian was able to refute the misinformation circulating about the event. (历史学家成功驳斥了围绕该事件流传的错误信息。)

5. The article aims to refute the myth that vaccines are harmful. (这篇文章旨在驳斥疫苗有害的谬论。)

6. Despite his efforts, he could not refute the allegations made against him. (尽管他努力了,但无法反驳针对他的指控。)

7. The research study provided evidence to refute the hypothesis that social media usage decreases face-to-face interaction. (研究提供了证据来反驳社交媒体使用会减少面对面互动的假设。)

8. The speaker effectively refuted the opponent's arguments during the debate. (演讲者在辩论中有效地驳斥了对手的论点。)

9. The author wrote a detailed rebuttal to refute the critics of her book. (作者撰写了一篇详尽的反驳文章来驳斥对她书籍的批评。)

10. It is important to refute baseless rumors before they spread widely. (在谣言传播开来之前驳斥毫无根据的谣言是很重要的。)

11. The judge's decision served to refute the defendant's claim of innocence. (法官的判决证明了被告的无罪主张是错误的。)

12. She was able to refute the misconception that all artists are moody and eccentric. (她成功驳斥了所有艺术家都喜怒无常、古怪异常的误解。)

13. The experiment was designed to refute the idea that bumblebees are incapable of flight. (这个实验的设计是为了驳斥蜜蜂不能飞行的想法。)

14. The committee's report was intended to refute the allegations of corruption within the organization. (委员会的报告旨在驳斥有关组织内部腐败的指控。)

15. The documentary aimed to refute the conspiracy theories surrounding the moon landing. (这部纪录片的目的是驳斥围绕登月阴谋论的理论。)


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