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时间: 2024-10-05 22:56:07


Certainly! "Epigrammatic" means concise and clever in expression. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His speeches were known for their epigrammatic wit, always leaving the audience both amused and thoughtful. (他的演讲以机智的警句闻名,总是让听众既感到好笑又感到深思。)

2. Oscar Wilde was famous for his epigrammatic style, producing memorable phrases that still resonate today. (奥斯卡·王尔德以其警句风格闻名,创造出至今仍然引人深思的名言。)

3. The poet's epigrammatic verses captured the essence of human emotion in just a few lines. (那位诗人的警句诗歌仅用几行文字捕捉了人类情感的本质。)

4. In her writing, she employed an epigrammatic tone to deliver profound insights with minimal words. (在她的写作中,她运用警句的语调,用最少的文字传达深刻的见解。)

5. The novel is filled with epigrammatic dialogue that reveals the characters' true intentions through cleverly crafted sentences. (这部小说充满了通过巧妙构思的句子展现人物真实意图的警句对话。)

6. Winston Churchill was celebrated for his epigrammatic wit, which often defused tense political situations with a well-timed quip. (温斯顿·丘吉尔以其警句的机智而受到赞誉,他经常通过适时的俏皮话解除紧张的政治局势。)

7. The philosopher expressed his philosophical principles in epigrammatic aphorisms that have become timeless wisdom. (那位哲学家用警句格言表达他的哲学原则,这些格言已成为流传的智慧。)

8. The artist's paintings are characterized by an epigrammatic clarity that communicates complex emotions with simplicity. (那位艺术家的画作以警句般的清晰度为特征,以简洁的方式传达复杂的情感。)

9. The playwright's writing style was marked by its epigrammatic brevity, packing layers of meaning into concise dialogues. (那位剧作家的写作风格以警句般的简洁著称,用简练的对话表达深刻的意义。)

10. The comedian's stand-up routine was famous for its epigrammatic punchlines that left the audience laughing long after the show ended. (那位喜剧演员的单口喜剧以警句般的妙语闻名,使观众在节目结束后仍久久不能忘怀。)

11. Jane Austen's novels are celebrated for their epigrammatic portrayal of social manners and relationships in Regency England. (简·奥斯汀的小说因其对摄政时期英国社会礼仪和人际关系的警句描绘而备受赞誉。)

12. The poet's epigrammatic style resonated with readers because of its ability to convey deep truths through succinct phrases. (那位诗人的警句风格因其通过简洁的语句传达深刻真理的能力而引起读者共鸣。)

13. The essayist's epigrammatic observations on contemporary culture provoked widespread discussion and reflection. (那位散文家对当代文化的警句观察引发了广泛的讨论和反思。)

14. The scientist's epigrammatic summary of his research findings clarified complex scientific concepts for a general audience. (那位科学家对他研究发现的警句总结为一般观众澄清了复杂的科学概念。)

15. The poet's anthology is a collection of epigrammatic verses that capture fleeting moments of beauty and truth. (那位诗人的选集是一部捕捉美丽和真理瞬间的警句诗歌集。)


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