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时间: 2024-09-17 14:05:10


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "haphazard," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The books on the shelf were arranged in a haphazard manner, making it difficult to find anything. (书架上的书籍摆放得很凌乱,很难找到任何东西。)

2. Their decision-making process seemed haphazard and poorly planned. (他们的决策过程看起来杂乱无章,计划不周。)

3. He took a haphazard approach to studying for the exam, and it showed in his results. (他在备考考试时采取了随意的方式,结果反映在他的成绩上。)

4. The garden had a charmingly haphazard array of wildflowers. (花园里有一片迷人的杂乱的野花。)

5. She painted the fence in a haphazard manner, resulting in streaks of uneven color. (她随意地涂刷篱笆,导致颜色不均匀的斑纹。)

6. The project lacked a clear direction and suffered from haphazard planning. (这个项目缺乏明确的方向,并且因计划不周而受到影响。)

7. The team’s strategy seemed more haphazard than strategic, lacking cohesion. (团队的战略看起来更像是无计划性的,缺乏凝聚力。)

8. She sewed the buttons onto the shirt in a haphazard order, without following the pattern. (她把纽扣随意地缝在衬衫上,没有按照图案来。)

9. The village had grown in a haphazard fashion, with houses and streets winding in unpredictable patterns. (村庄以一种不可预测的方式生长,房屋和街道蜿蜒曲折。)

10. The data was collected in a somewhat haphazard manner, which made analysis challenging. (数据收集方式有些随意,这使得分析变得困难。)

11. His notes were scattered in a haphazard pile on the desk. (他的笔记随意地堆在桌子上。)

12. The construction site was chaotic and haphazard, with materials strewn everywhere. (建筑工地混乱而杂乱,到处都是散落的材料。)

13. The company’s growth strategy appeared to be more haphazard than deliberate. (公司的增长策略看起来更像是无计划的而不是刻意的。)

14. His speech was a haphazard collection of ideas, lacking a coherent theme. (他的演讲是一堆零散的想法,缺乏连贯的主题。)

15. The street market was filled with stalls arranged in a haphazard fashion, creating a vibrant atmosphere. (街头市场摊位摆放得杂乱无章,营造出了充满活力的氛围。)


上一个 【英语】hapless的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】adherence的例句



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