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时间: 2024-10-06 16:53:36



1. Her rejoinder to the accusation was swift and unequivocal. (她对指控的反驳迅速而明确。)

2. The professor's rejoinder to the student's question clarified the complex concept. (教授对学生问题的回应澄清了复杂的概念。)

3. His rejoinder in the debate effectively countered his opponent's argument. (他在辩论中的回应有效地反驳了对手的论点。)

4. The editorial included a sharp rejoinder to recent criticisms of the newspaper. (这篇社论对近期对报纸的批评做出了尖锐的回应。)

5. In response to the criticism, the company issued a detailed rejoinder defending its policies. (作为对批评的回应,公司发布了一份详细的回答,为其政策辩护。)

6. Her rejoinder was met with applause from the audience. (她的回应赢得了观众的掌声。)

7. The senator's rejoinder during the debate highlighted the flaws in the proposed legislation. (参议员在辩论中的回应突显了提议立法的缺陷。)

8. The artist's rejoinder to critics was to produce an even more ambitious work. (艺术家对批评的回应是创作出更为雄心勃勃的作品。)

9. His rejoinder to her compliments was a humble acknowledgment of his team's effort. (他对她的赞美的回应是谦虚地承认他团队的努力。)

10. The president's rejoinder to the press inquiries was brief but informative. (总统对新闻媒体的询问的回应虽然简短但具有信息量。)

11. Despite the criticism, his rejoinder was composed and respectful. (尽管遭到批评,他的回应依然沉着和尊重。)

12. The diplomat's rejoinder to the allegations sought to defuse tensions between the two countries. (外交官对指控的回应旨在缓解两国之间的紧张局势。)

13. The student's rejoinder to the teacher's question displayed a deep understanding of the subject matter. (学生对老师问题的回应显示出对学科内容的深刻理解。)

14. The coach's rejoinder to the team's disappointing performance was a call for renewed dedication. (教练对团队表现不佳的回应是呼吁再次奉献。)

15. After the debate, his rejoinder became the focus of media attention. (辩论后,他的回应成为媒体关注的焦点。)


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