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时间: 2024-10-07 00:52:36


当你决定放弃或摒弃某种信仰、观点或行为时,“abjure” 是一个合适的词汇选择。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. She abjured her allegiance to the old regime and embraced democracy. (她放弃了对旧政权的忠诚,并接受了民主。)

2. He abjured his former way of life and became a monk. (他抛弃了以前的生活方式,成为了一名修士。)

3. The scientist abjured his earlier theory when new evidence emerged. (当新证据出现时,科学家放弃了他先前的理论。)

4. After years of uncertainty, she finally abjured her belief in ghosts. (经过多年的犹豫,她终于放弃了对鬼魂的信仰。)

5. The rebel leader abjured violence and called for peaceful negotiations. (叛乱领导人放弃了暴力,并呼吁和平谈判。)

6. Despite pressure, he refused to abjure his principles. (尽管受到压力,他拒绝放弃自己的原则。)

7. They abjured their allegiance to the rival clan and sought reconciliation. (他们放弃了对对手氏族的忠诚,并寻求和解。)

8. The politician abjured his controversial remarks and issued an apology. (政治家撤回了他有争议的言论,并道歉了。)

9. Unable to prove his innocence, he abjured his claim to the inheritance. (无法证明自己的清白,他放弃了对遗产的要求。)

10. She abjured her former mentor after discovering his dishonesty. (她发现导师不诚实后,放弃了对他的信任。)

11. He abjured his past mistakes and resolved to start afresh. (他悔过自新,决心重新开始。)

12. The artist abjured conventional techniques in favor of experimentation. (艺术家弃用传统技法,转而进行实验。)

13. They abjured the use of fossil fuels and committed to renewable energy sources. (他们放弃了使用化石燃料,并承诺使用可再生能源。)

14. The criminal abjured his life of crime upon release from prison. (罪犯出狱后,他放弃了犯罪的生活。)

15. Faced with overwhelming evidence, he abjured his previous testimony. (面对压倒性的证据,他撤回了先前的证词。)


上一个 【英语】conjure的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】jurisprudence的例句



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