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时间: 2024-09-20 01:13:55


Certainly! "Ornithology" refers to the scientific study of birds. Here are 15 sentences with their Chinese explanations:

1. Ornithology involves the study of bird behavior, migration patterns, and evolutionary history. (鸟类学涉及研究鸟类的行为、迁徙模式和进化历史。)

2. The ornithology lab at the university is equipped with advanced tools for bird observation and research. (大学的鸟类学实验室配备了先进的鸟类观察和研究工具。)

3. She published her groundbreaking research in the field of ornithology last year. (她去年在鸟类学领域发表了开创性的研究。)

4. Many ornithologists spend months in the field observing bird behavior firsthand. (许多鸟类学家在野外观察鸟类行为数月时间。)

5. Ornithology helps us understand the ecological role of birds in different ecosystems. (鸟类学帮助我们理解鸟类在不同生态系统中的生态角色。)

6. The study of ornithology has led to significant discoveries in avian physiology. (对鸟类学的研究已经在鸟类生理学方面取得了重大发现。)

7. His passion for ornithology began when he was a child, watching birds in his backyard. (他对鸟类学的热情始于他小时候在后院观察鸟类。)

8. The ornithology conference attracted scientists and researchers from around the world. (鸟类学会议吸引了来自世界各地的科学家和研究人员。)

9. Ornithology is crucial for conservation efforts aimed at protecting endangered bird species. (鸟类学对保护濒危鸟类物种的努力至关重要。)

10. She received a grant to conduct fieldwork for her ornithology project in South America. (她获得了一笔资助用于在南美进行鸟类学项目的实地工作。)

11. The study of ornithology requires patience, attention to detail, and a love for birds. (鸟类学的研究需要耐心、注重细节和对鸟类的热爱。)

12. Ornithology plays a key role in understanding the impact of climate change on bird populations. (鸟类学在理解气候变化对鸟类种群影响方面发挥着关键作用。)

13. The museum has an extensive collection of bird specimens gathered over decades of ornithological research. (该博物馆拥有几十年鸟类学研究积累的大量鸟类标本。)

14. Advances in technology have revolutionized the field of ornithology, allowing for more precise data collection. (技术的进步已经彻底改变了鸟类学领域,使数据收集更加精确。)

15. Ornithology combines elements of biology, ecology, and zoology to study the diversity of bird species worldwide. (鸟类学结合了生物学、生态学和动物学的元素,研究全球鸟类物种的多样性。)


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