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时间: 2024-09-29 04:51:43



1. She delivered an eloquent speech that moved everyone in the audience. (她发表了一篇雄辩的演讲,感动了观众。)

2. His eloquent writing style captivated readers around the world. (他雄辩的写作风格迷住了全世界的读者。)

3. The painting was an eloquent expression of the artist's inner turmoil. (这幅画是艺术家内心痛苦的生动表达。)

4. The silence between them was more eloquent than any words could have been. (他们之间的沉默比任何言语都更有说服力。)

5. The sculpture stood as an eloquent reminder of the struggles of past generations. (这座雕塑是对过去几代人奋斗的生动提醒。)

6. His actions spoke more eloquently than his words ever could. (他的行动比言语更有说服力。)

7. The melody of the symphony was eloquently performed by the orchestra. (交响乐的旋律被管弦乐团演绎得雄辩动听。)

8. Her eyes were eloquent with sorrow. (她的眼神中充满了悲伤的表达。)

9. The poet's verses were eloquent with passion and longing. (诗人的诗句充满了激情和渴望的表达。)

10. His eloquent defense in court won over the jury. (他在法庭上的雄辩辩护说服了陪审团。)

11. The novel paints an eloquent picture of life in the 19th century. (这部小说生动地描绘了19世纪的生活。)

12. The architecture of the cathedral is an eloquent testimony to the skill of its builders. (大教堂的建筑风格是建造者技艺高超的生动证明。)

13. The film's cinematography was eloquently beautiful. (电影的摄影技术非常美丽动人。)

14. His apology was sincere and eloquent. (他的道歉真诚而富有表现力。)

15. The dancer's movements were eloquently graceful. (舞者的舞姿优雅动人,富有表现力。)


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