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时间: 2024-09-29 00:52:49


"Somniloquy" 指的是在睡眠中说话的现象。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. I overheard my roommate's somniloquy last night.

- 昨晚我听到了室友的梦话。

2. His somniloquy often involves mumbling about work stress.

- 他的梦话经常涉及到对工作压力的喃喃自语。

3. Somniloquy can range from simple phrases to elaborate conversations.

- 梦话的内容可以从简单的短语到复杂的对话。

4. She didn't remember her somniloquy the next morning.

- 第二天早上她不记得自己说过的梦话了。

5. Doctors sometimes study somniloquy to understand underlying psychological issues.

- 医生们有时研究梦话以了解潜在的心理问题。

6. His somniloquy was so loud it woke up everyone in the room.

- 他的梦话声音很大,把房间里的每个人都吵醒了。

7. Somniloquy is more common during certain stages of sleep.

- 梦话在睡眠的某些阶段更为常见。

8. She often embarrassed herself with somniloquy during sleepovers.

- 在过夜时她经常因梦话而令人尴尬。

9. Somniloquy can sometimes be triggered by stress or anxiety.

- 梦话有时会因压力或焦虑而触发。

10. He recorded his wife's somniloquy to play it back for her the next day.

- 他录下了妻子的梦话,第二天给她播放。

11. The somniloquy was in a language he didn't recognize.

- 梦话是用他不认识的语言说的。

12. They had a good laugh over his somniloquy when they heard the recording.

- 听到录音后,他们对他的梦话大笑了一番。

13. Somniloquy can be a symptom of sleep disorders.

- 梦话可以是睡眠障碍的症状之一。

14. She often spoke about her childhood in her somniloquy.

- 她在梦话中经常谈起她的童年。

15. The psychiatrist analyzed the content of his somniloquy during therapy.

- 精神科医生在治疗期间分析了他梦话的内容。


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