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时间: 2024-10-07 22:54:13


Certainly! "Ludicrous" means something that is absurd or ridiculous. Here are 15 sentences using "ludicrous" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The idea that pigs might fly is utterly ludicrous.

- 猪会飞的想法完全荒谬。

2. His claim that he could run faster than a cheetah was ludicrous.

- 他声称自己能比猎豹跑得更快,简直荒唐不经。

3. The proposal to build a skyscraper in that tiny village seemed ludicrous to everyone.

- 在那个小村庄建造摩天大楼的提议对所有人来说都显得荒谬。

4. The politician's excuses for his behavior were seen as ludicrous by the public.

- 政客对自己行为的辩解被公众视为荒谬。

5. It's ludicrous to suggest that he could have finished the project overnight.

- 暗示他能在一夜之间完成这个项目是荒谬的。

6. The prices at that restaurant are ludicrous; I wouldn't pay half of what they're asking.

- 那家餐馆的价格荒谬了,我才不会付他们要求的一半呢。

7. The idea of living on Mars was once considered ludicrous, but now it's being seriously researched.

- 曾经被认为是荒谬的在火星上生活的想法,现在正在被认真研究。

8. Her suggestion that we should all quit our jobs and become professional gamers struck me as ludicrous.

- 她建议我们都辞掉工作成为职业玩家的想法让我觉得很荒谬。

9. The movie's plot was so ludicrous that it was hard to take seriously.

- 这部电影的情节如此荒诞,以至于难以认真对待。

10. The CEO's idea to rebrand the company with a new logo that no one could read was met with ludicrous disbelief.

- CEO 提出用一个无人能读懂的新标识重新包装公司的想法遭到了普遍的荒谬怀疑。

11. The students found the teacher's strict dress code rules ludicrous in the modern age.

- 学生们觉得老师在现代时代坚持的严格着装规则荒谬可笑。

12. The comedian's performance was filled with ludicrous jokes that had the audience laughing non-stop.

- 这位喜剧演员的表演充满了荒谬可笑的笑话,让观众笑个不停。

13. The attempt to blame the cat for the missing homework was utterly ludicrous.

- 把丢失的作业归咎于猫的尝试完全是荒谬的。

14. The professor's theory that aliens built the pyramids was widely regarded as ludicrous by his peers.

- 教授关于外星人建造金字塔的理论在同行中被普遍认为是荒谬的。

15. His insistence on using a horse-drawn carriage instead of a car in the city was seen as ludicrous by his friends.

- 他坚持在城市里使用马车而不是汽车的做法被他的朋友们认为是荒谬的。

These sentences should help illustrate different contexts in which "ludicrous" can be used and understood in Chinese.

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