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时间: 2024-10-07 16:53:51



1. The slave was manumitted after years of faithful service to his master. (这名奴隶在多年忠诚服务主人后被解放。)

2. In Roman times, slaves could be manumitted by their owners, gaining their freedom. (在罗马时代,奴隶可以被主人解放,获得自由。)

3. The wealthy landowner decided to manumit all his slaves in his will. (那位富有的地主决定在遗嘱中解放所有的奴隶。)

4. After years of advocacy, the abolitionist finally succeeded in persuading the plantation owner to manumit his slaves. (经过多年的倡导,废奴主义者最终成功说服了种植园主人解放他的奴隶。)

5. The process of manumitting slaves was often accompanied by legal formalities and documentation. (解放奴隶的过程通常伴随着法律手续和文件的签署。)

6. Under certain conditions, slaves in ancient Greece could petition their masters to manumit them. (在特定条件下,古希腊的奴隶可以请求主人解放他们。)

7. The emperor issued a decree to manumit all slaves who had served in the military for at least ten years. (皇帝颁布法令,解放所有至少服役十年的军队奴隶。)

8. Manumitting slaves was seen as a philanthropic act by some Roman patricians. (在一些罗马贵族眼中,解放奴隶被视为一种慈善行为。)

9. The abolitionist movement gained momentum as more plantation owners began to manumit their slaves voluntarily. (随着更多种植园主自愿解放奴隶,废奴主义运动获得了更多的势头。)

10. Some scholars argue that manumitting slaves was a means for Roman elites to gain social prestige. (一些学者认为,解放奴隶是罗马精英获取社会声望的一种手段。)

11. The process of manumission varied across different cultures and historical periods. (解放的过程在不同的文化和历史时期有所不同。)

12. Manumitting slaves was often accompanied by a ceremony symbolizing their newfound freedom. (解放奴隶通常伴随着象征他们新获自由的仪式。)

13. Owners sometimes manumitted slaves as a reward for exceptional service or loyalty. (主人有时会因杰出的服务或忠诚而解放奴隶作为奖励。)

14. The law required slaveholders to manumit any children born to their slaves after a certain date. (法律要求奴隶主在某个日期之后解放他们奴隶所生的所有子女。)

15. After the Civil War, many former slave owners reluctantly manumitted their slaves due to legal pressures. (南北战争后,许多前奴隶主由于法律压力而不情愿地解放了他们的奴隶。)


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