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时间: 2024-09-20 16:00:28


Certainly! "Promiscuity" refers to the practice of having casual sexual relations with many partners. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Her promiscuity worried her parents.

- 她的滥交让她父母很担心。

2. He was known for his promiscuity during his wild youth.

- 他年轻时以滥交而闻名。

3. Promiscuity can lead to serious health risks if precautions aren't taken.

- 如果不采取预防措施,滥交可能导致严重的健康风险。

4. The movie portrayed the consequences of promiscuity in a realistic light.

- 电影以现实的角度描绘了滥交的后果。

5. Promiscuity was frowned upon in their conservative community.

- 在他们保守的社区中,滥交是被不赞同的。

6. She regretted her promiscuity in college and vowed to change her ways.

- 她后悔大学时期的滥交,并发誓要改变自己的生活方式。

7. The novel explores the protagonist's journey through promiscuity to self-discovery.

- 这部小说探讨了主人公从滥交到自我发现的旅程。

8. His promiscuity eventually strained his relationships with friends and family.

- 他的滥交最终导致他与朋友和家人的关系紧张。

9. The therapist addressed the underlying issues contributing to her promiscuity.

- 治疗师处理了导致她滥交的根本问题。

10. Promiscuity was a cultural norm in that society during that era.

- 在那个时代,滥交是那个社会的文化规范。

11. She struggled with feelings of guilt and shame due to her promiscuity.

- 她因为滥交而感到内疚和羞耻。

12. Promiscuity was frowned upon by the religious community to which she belonged.

- 在她所属的宗教社区中,滥交是不受欢迎的。

13. The documentary examines the societal attitudes towards promiscuity across different cultures.

- 这部纪录片研究了不同文化背景下对滥交的社会态度。

14. He sought therapy to address his compulsive promiscuity.

- 他寻求治疗来解决他的强迫性滥交问题。

15. Her promiscuity was a reflection of her search for intimacy and acceptance.

- 她的滥交反映了她对亲密和接纳的追求。


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