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时间: 2024-09-20 02:52:53


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "emissary" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The ambassador acted as an emissary between the two nations, facilitating diplomatic talks. (大使充当两国之间的使节,促进了外交谈判。)

2. The CEO sent an emissary to negotiate the terms of the merger. (首席执行官派遣了一名使者去协商并购条款。)

3. The dragon sent its emissary to deliver a message of peace to the nearby village. (龙派遣使者向附近的村庄传递和平的消息。)

4. The detective received an anonymous tip from an unknown emissary. (侦探收到了一个匿名使者的线报。)

5. The queen's emissary arrived at the court of the neighboring kingdom bearing gifts of goodwill. (女王的使者抵达了邻国的宫廷,携带着友好的礼物。)

6. As an emissary of the environmental organization, she traveled the world advocating for sustainable practices. (作为环保组织的使者,她环游世界倡导可持续的实践。)

7. The emissary was tasked with delivering the treaty to the opposing faction. (使者被委托将条约送交对立派系。)

8. The religious leader appointed an emissary to spread the teachings of peace and compassion. (宗教领袖任命了一名使者来传播和平与同情的教义。)

9. The emissary from the corporate headquarters informed the regional offices of the new policy changes. (来自公司总部的使者通知了地区办事处有关新政策变化的消息。)

10. The emissary negotiated the terms of surrender with the opposing army's general. (使者与对方军队的将军协商投降条件。)

11. The alien race sent an emissary to establish communication with Earth. (外星种族派遣使者与地球建立联系。)

12. The emissary of peace carried a message of hope to the war-torn region. (和平使者携带希望的信息前往战乱地区。)

13. The emissary's arrival signaled the beginning of formal negotiations between the two kingdoms. (使者的到来标志着两个王国之间正式谈判的开始。)

14. The emissary of the rebellion rallied support from neighboring villages. (叛乱的使者从邻近的村庄集结支持。)

15. The emissary was trusted to convey the ruler's message accurately and with discretion. (使者被信任准确而谨慎地传达统治者的消息。)


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