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时间: 2024-09-18 12:54:19


当然,请看以下关于 "remission" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. His cancer was in remission after months of treatment. (经过几个月的治疗,他的癌症进入了缓解期。)

2. The patient experienced a period of remission from his symptoms. (这位病人的症状有一段时间得到了缓解。)

3. The church granted remission of sins to the repentant believers. (教会赐予悔改的信徒罪过的赦免。)

4. There was a temporary remission in the rainfall during the afternoon. (下午期间雨水暂时减少。)

5. The judge decided to grant a remission of the fine due to the defendant's financial hardship. (法官决定因被告的经济困难而减免罚款。)

6. After much reflection, she felt a remission of guilt for her actions. (经过深思熟虑,她对自己的行为感到了一种罪恶的宽恕。)

7. The drug brought about a significant remission in the patient's symptoms. (这种药物显著减轻了病人的症状。)

8. The remission of the debt brought relief to the struggling family. (债务的减免为挣扎的家庭带来了解脱。)

9. Her remission from the flu was sudden and unexpected. (她突然康复使得她的流感缓解了。)

10. The remission of the patient's condition was a result of the new treatment protocol. (病人状况的缓解是新治疗方案的结果。)

11. His generosity led to the remission of many people's debts in the community. (他的慷慨导致社区许多人债务的减免。)

12. Despite the remission of symptoms, regular check-ups were necessary. (尽管症状有所缓解,仍然需要定期检查。)

13. The remission of her chronic pain was a welcome relief. (她长期疼痛的缓解是一种受欢迎的解脱。)

14. The doctor explained that remission doesn't always mean a permanent cure. (医生解释说,缓解并不总是意味着永久治愈。)

15. The remission of the student's tuition fees allowed her to continue her education. (学费的减免使得这位学生能够继续她的教育。)


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