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时间: 2024-10-07 02:48:27



1. Improving urban mobility is crucial for reducing traffic congestion.

- 提高城市机动性对于减少交通拥堵至关重要。

2. She has great mobility in her new job, traveling frequently between offices.

- 她在新工作中有很强的机动性,经常在办公室之间旅行。

3. The military's mobility allowed them to respond quickly to changing threats.

- 军队的机动性使他们能够迅速应对不断变化的威胁。

4. Technological advancements have revolutionized personal mobility with electric vehicles.

- 科技进步通过电动车辆彻底改变了个人的机动性。

5. His flexibility and mobility make him a valuable asset to the team.

- 他的灵活性和机动性使他成为团队中的宝贵资产。

6. The company focuses on enhancing employee mobility by offering remote work options.

- 公司通过提供远程工作选择来提升员工的机动性。

7. The athlete's mobility on the field is unparalleled; he can cover a lot of ground quickly.

- 运动员在场上的机动性是无与伦比的;他能迅速覆盖大量地面。

8. Mobility aids like wheelchairs and walkers improve accessibility for people with disabilities.

- 轮椅和助行器等辅助工具提高了残疾人士的可访问性。

9. International students experience cultural mobility, adapting to new environments and customs.

- 国际学生经历文化的机动性,适应新的环境和习俗。

10. The diplomatic negotiations required diplomatic mobility to reach a consensus.

- 外交谈判需要外交的机动性来达成共识。

11. Innovations in transportation have significantly improved urban mobility in recent years.

- 交通运输方面的创新近年来显著改善了城市的机动性。

12. The flexibility of online learning enhances educational mobility for students worldwide.

- 网络学习的灵活性提升了全球学生的教育机动性。

13. Efforts to increase job mobility aim to match employees with opportunities across different sectors.

- 增加职业机动性的努力旨在让员工与不同行业的机会匹配。

14. Social mobility remains a challenge in many societies striving for greater equality.

- 社会机动性在许多追求更大平等的社会中仍然是一个挑战。

15. Rural areas often lack adequate mobility options compared to urban centers.

- 与城市中心相比,农村地区通常缺乏足够的机动性选择。


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