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时间: 2024-10-06 20:55:55


当然,这里有一些关于 "monition" 的例句,每个例句都附有中文解释:

1. He received a monition from the principal for his unruly behavior. (他因为不守规矩收到了校长的警告。)

2. The judge issued a monition to the defendant to appear in court. (法官发布了传票,要求被告出庭。)

3. The captain's monition to brace for rough seas was timely. (船长警告我们做好迎接汹涌海浪的准备是及时的。)

4. The coach's monition to stay focused on the game resonated with the team. (教练关于集中精力在比赛上的警告深受全队赞同。)

5. Her mother's monition to always wear a helmet while cycling saved her from injury. (母亲提醒她骑车时总是戴头盔,从而避免了受伤。)

6. The sergeant's monition to keep their weapons ready was heeded by the soldiers. (中士警告士兵保持武器准备好得到了重视。)

7. The teacher's monition about plagiarism was a wake-up call for the students. (老师对抄袭的警告让学生们警觉起来。)

8. The monition to conserve water during the drought was widely broadcasted. (在干旱期间宣传节约用水的警告广为传播。)

9. The police officer issued a monition to the speeding driver. (警察对超速驾驶的司机发布了警告。)

10. The monition to evacuate the area due to the approaching hurricane was urgent. (因为飓风逼近,撤离该地区的警告显得十分紧急。)

11. Her monition to be cautious around strangers stemmed from a past incident. (她对陌生人要小心的警告源自于一次过去的事件。)

12. The professor's monition to complete the assignment on time was met with mixed reactions from the class. (教授要求按时完成作业的警告在班级中引起了不同的反应。)

13. The monition to check the expiration date on perishable goods is always displayed prominently in the supermarket. (超市里始终明显地显示着检查易腐食品保质期的警告。)

14. His monition about the dangers of reckless driving was heartfelt. (他关于鲁莽驾驶危险性的警告是发自内心的。)

15. The government's monition against travel to the war-torn region was based on safety concerns. (政府对前往战乱地区旅行的警告基于安全考虑。)

希望这些例句能帮助你更好地理解 "monition" 这个词的用法和含义!

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